Cupola Consulting delivers Principles of Foodservice course for CESA
This month, we delivered one of CESA's first ever Principles of Foodservice training programme to delegates from Lincat and Target.
Steve with delegates from Lincat
The Principles of Food Service (PFS), is designed to help tackle the skills shortage and the need to recruit young blood to the foodservice industry. Two companies that have recently benefitted from the initiative are Lincat Catering Equipment and Target Catering Equipment. “PFS helps new recruits get off to a great start,” says Charlotte Pedrette, general manager of Target.
CESA consultant Steve Loughton delivered the PFS course at both Target and Lincat. He says, “Forward thinking companies that embrace the ethos of training and development will be the winners now and in the future. PFS helps recruitment, by demonstrating a commitment to personal development, and gives a basic grounding that helps newcomers quickly make an impact.”
PFS is a nine-module course that takes two to three hours to complete. It gives newcomers to the foodservice industry a basic grounding in key areas such as food storage, food hygiene and commercial kitchen equipment. The course can be delivered by anyone accredited with CFSP (Certified Food Service Professional). Steve’s long experience in the foodservice equipment industry, and his communication skills, make him an ideal tutor-mentor, which is why CESA asked him to deliver the course to companies wanting input from an expert.
At Lincat, Steve delivered PFS to nine members of staff, who work in a variety of different areas within the company. They were both enthused by the course and impressed by the clarity of the information. “Each module followed on smoothly,” said Michelle Hennell, who has joined Lincat as a services administrator. Emily Bell, who is a sales administrator, said, “It was very helpful in understanding kitchens processes more, which in turn will help when advising customers.” Meanwhile their colleague Anne-Marie Greatwood, head of Customer Service, said “I really enjoyed the course. So much so that I’m looking into the next step.”
At Target, Steve tutored the company’s new junior design engineer, Ian Williamson, through PFS. Charlotte Pedrette was impressed by the results. “With his knowledge and experience, Steve is able to deliver an insight into the catering industry that few would be able to match.” She adds, “I would highly recommended CESA's Principles of Food Service programme as a great starting point to newcomers entering our industry.”
Contact us today if you are interested in arranging a Principles of Foodservice course for employees at your company.